by Cara Maclean | Jun 27, 2019
It’s easy to assume others share our thoughts on a subject or experience of an event. Even if we value diversity and understand difference, as parents we assume our way of doing things is THE way. It takes some unlearning to get that other people respond differently,...
by Cara Maclean | Jun 20, 2019
Have a hard time relaxing? Feel like you always have to be doing something productive? Do you get stressed thinking about how long your to-do list is… but then avoid it completely? As a recovering perfectionist, I have a clear pattern of overwhelming...
by Cara Maclean | Jun 4, 2019
With Summer in full swing, you might be thinking about how to entertain your kiddos for the full three months. In the past, I’ve tried to be Super Mom in the summer. I’ve researched camps, activities, sites to see, and places to go. I know I’ve got to keep my kids...
by Cara Maclean | Apr 3, 2019
What is Splendid Spark all about? This. These things here. It’s what I believe and why I do what I do. If they resonate, welcome. You’re in good company. If they don’t, that’s fine too. You matter. I believe women’s actions can...