by Cara Maclean | Jan 15, 2021
You’re too intense. Too serious. Too quiet. Too loud. Too opinionated. Too… Chances are you’ve had someone tell you that you’re “too” something. Perhaps it’s something from childhood that sticks around in your psyche, or maybe someone pointed it out...
by Cara Maclean | Dec 18, 2020
Digging through old school records, I found one of my elementary report cards. In the comments on the back, my 4th grade teacher* had written: “Cara is a silent force.” It made me laugh, because she was right. I got things done, did them well, and...
by Cara Maclean | Oct 15, 2020
Each night as I snuggle into bed, mold the pillow into shape, and close my eyes, a reckoning occurs. I know immediately if I’ll be able to go to sleep quickly. Most nights the answer is no. My brain sees bedtime as space to create, think, and develop ideas....
by Cara Maclean | Sep 16, 2020
Our culture loves certainty. We love being right. We idolize right answers, and demonize those who can’t give clear, definitive right answers. Too wishy-washy. Too waffly. When I was a student, I strived for right answers. Right answers meant success. The world...
by Cara Maclean | Aug 11, 2020
The other day my husband and I unearthed our childhood photo albums. They were tucked away in the closet under the stairs like a collection of obedient, rectangular Harry Potters waiting for someone to notice them. My husband found his old track album filled with...