Any of these sound familiar?
You’ve checked all the boxes but lost yourself.
Perfectionism and anxiety keep you stuck.
Saying no (or yes!) is extremely difficult.
You want to reconnect with your dreams
AND see your family thrive.
When you decide, it changes everything.
You wear all the hats.
And carry the backpack, and snack bag, while swimming, in stormy water! You take care of everything for everyone, so there’s no time left for you. I’ll show you how to lighten your load AND calm the storm, so you can enjoy your life.

Life is a work in progress.
Life is all about finding what works and ditching what doesn’t. Some hats don’t fit. Don’t weigh yourself down with everyone else’s stuff. Focus on what matters without getting lost in the shoulds.
Small changes make the biggest difference.
Your energy, response, and mindset matter more than you realize. When you’re grounded and connected to your inner strength, everything and everyone shifts accordingly. All things change when you do. But you don’t have to do it alone.

Revisiting What Works (For You)
As I made my coffee this morning, a thought occurred to me: habits are like honey. Sticky, smooth, sweet. Comforting or infuriating. Changing habits, and adopting new habits, is tough unless you’ve got something hot enough to melt all the sticky away. ...
The Little Things Add Up!
When you have big dreams, high expectations, or small children, it's easy to forget the impact of little things. You want progress, leaps, and results. You might even say, "It'll be great when..." or "I'll be happy when...". Sometimes, though, when you focus only on...
What’s Missing from the Self Care Discussion
We’ve all been there. Feeling so exhausted you’re not sure what you used to do for fun. Finally a moment to yourself and all you want to do is sleep. Losing your mind about a seemingly small detail because it’s all built up day after day, and that was the last straw. ...